Magic to Your Event: What to Know About 4 Types of Magicians

The right events require the right performers that reinforce the theme and ambiance an event planner wants to accomplish. In some cases, the entertainment acts you hire are the main event for the occasion. This is why it’s vital to know everything you can about the talent you’re about to partner with.

Dealing with magicians can be a lot trickier than your standard band. Since many of them have particular performing styles and logistical needs, some of them may be more challenging to handle than others. For this reason, you need to identify your event’s needs and your prospective talent’s act.

Classifying the different magic-based talents you can hire

There is more variety and diversity in hiring magicians for your event. Although the magicians you connect with may not reveal the tricks of their trade, they are required to tell you the materials and requirements they’ll demand for their act. Knowing the scope of their performance will give you better insight into whether they’re a good fit for your event.

Before you hire any magician, you should first check if they’re fit under these four categories:

1. Stage show magicians

In the most traditional sense, stage show magicians are the performers that come to mind when you bring up magic and events in the same sentence. It demands a large audience with a complex set of stage lights, props, and even a team of assistants. The act can include anything from duplicating objects to swallowing swords. Although these performers generally bring their own gear, you may need to supply them with a performing space equipped with appropriate lighting. Since they’re more familiar with creating eye-catching spectacles, you should prepare a sizable budget if you’re going all-out with a flashy magician.

2. Comedy magicians

Like stage show magicians, they focus on spectacles that can entertain a large crowd. However, they have an added quirk of expressing their comedic showmanship. Hiring a comedy magician is a great way to wow your audience while getting some laughs from them.

3. Close-up, street, and table magicians

Close-up magic has a lot in common with street and table magicians, where all three of them have a mobile setup. This means they will be relatively cheap since they don’t need expensive sets to perform their act. Close-up magic delivers a more intimate experience by being near the audience instead of far-away on stage. They usually involve guest participation in their acts and use everyday objects like hats, cards, or money to perform several tricks.

4. Mind readers

Mind readers can be great performers in small groups or large crowds, depending on your magician’s specialty. Their act consists of using psychological techniques, cold-reading, and auto-suggestion to trick their audience into revealing truths or performing predicted outcomes. Like close-up magicians, they generally don’t use expensive set pieces. However, they may use prepared props to highlight their proficiency in reading the future or other people’s minds.


If your chosen performer is a little too unorthodox to fit the classifications above, you may want to reconsider your options. Although unpredictability is what magic brings to your event, it’s best to be on the safe side, especially if you plan to invite high-profile guests.

One way to avoid mishaps with your performers is by sourcing them with a reliable agency. TSE Entertainment has over 40 years of industry experience as a live entertainment agency in Texas City. Contact us today, and we can supplement your event with acts in different niches, from bands to magicians!