Casino entertainment can take many forms. That’s because casinos typically have multiple spots within them to host entertainment. Casino talent buyers are always on the lookout for top quality entertainment for casinos.
Live casino entertainment is a great way to add to a casino’s atmosphere of fun and enjoyment for gamblers and non-gamblers alike. Topflight live entertainment can be used to entice visitors and those driving by. It also provides a level of comfort and ease or a party-scene mood for your gamblers. The type of casino entertainment can add to the vibe you want to create as well. So, what type of live entertainment do you book for your casino? There are many options depending on your needs!
Casino Entertainment: Live Music is a Must
You can’t talk about casino entertainment without talking about live music. Live music has been a form of entertainment for casinos since the inception of the term in the mid-18th century. In fact, in the first ever “casino” (Latin/Italian for “little house”) was local conversation, music listening and dancing at these local gathering “houses.”
Most modern casinos will use a mix of soundtracks and live music to entertain their guests. The soundtracks are great for setting the mood during the day, while live bands can help entice larger crowds. They create an exciting environment for guest at night when they are looking for that party-scene atmosphere. Question is, what kind of live music is best suited for casinos?
Original Artist
When considering original artists for your live casino entertainment, it is best to stay with high-profile musicians that can attract larger crowds. Popular genres of music for night-time casino crowds include country, rock and roll, and pop. Think fast-tempo music that will help create that exciting environment mentioned earlier. This will help to hype up the visitors and some studies have even shown people’s gambling behavior becomes more intense when listing to this type of music. Because casino rooms are noisy as well, when considering an original band for your night-time casino entertainment, it is best to opt for a high tempo band.
Tribute Bands
Tribute bands are a great option for casinos because they provide a re-creation of past and present artist icons that many guests already know and adore. Think of any big-name band or artist, and there is a tribute out there for them! Booking high-quality tribute artists or bands allows you give your guests the real artist experience at a fraction of the costs of the real artist.
Because of this it’s very common to see casinos booking tribute bands at venues. What matters most when booking tribute bands at your casino is the level of performance you get. As a professional enterprise, the last thing you want is a second-rate or less live music performance in your establishment. When using TSE Entertainment to book your tribute entertainment, you can always expect the best of the best!
Non-Musical Entertainment for Casinos
Non-musical entertainment is also a very popular entertainment option for casino talent buyers. There are several different types of non-music entertainment that work well including comedians, dancers, impersonators, jugglers, magicians, and even circus acts and whole circus shows. These types of acts provide a level of diversity to your casino entertainment and can be used in a variety of settings. They provide additional entertainment options to your larger shows and as the main attraction depending on what you are wanting to achieve.
If you book a good comedian, you can never go wrong with using comedy for casino entertainment. A quality comedy act is entertaining, relaxing, mood setting, and of course funny! TSE has booked many quality comedian acts in the past and can book the ideal comedy act for your casino that will be sure to entertain all casino guests!
Individual dancers or whole dance shows comprised of professional, experienced dancers can be the perfect touch to any casino entertainment. There are several different types of dancers you can choose from. They include group acts that include a theatrical production, aerial dancers and decorated dancers that can perform throughout the casino as your guests are gambling.
Specialty Acts and Magicians
Magicians are almost a no-brainer if they provide quality and awe-inspiring acts. It’s magic! Whether it’s a stage show or up-close slight of hand mingling with your guests, magic is always popular as an entertainment option for casinos.
Circus Acts and Shows
Depending on your venue and the space that will be used for your Circus entertainment, you can include everything from seemly death-defining motor acts to insane balancing acts, and everything in between. TSE has been booking great circus acts over its 40 plus year history.
Themed Casino Shows
Have a theme night in mind? Themed events can be a huge hit for casinos and are a popular option in the world of special events’ casino entertainment.
Popular themed entertainment for casinos include: Speakeasy and Prohibition Era themed nights (think 1920’s flappers), decade themed nights, Mardi Gras, and country or western themed nights. The ideal theme night for any casino can depend a lot on the occasion and clientele of the casino. Guests will enjoy the spice added to their casino experience with them parties and entertainment. .
Once you have a theme in mind, it becomes much easier to find the perfect entertainment for your themed casino night. Another way is to choose a theme around particular entertainment. For example, we have many Woodstock Era tribute artists including amazing acts for Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, The Band, Joe Cocker and many others. From this you could form an entire Woodstock themed night at your casino!
This past August TSE booked 31 country tribute acts for a casino that did a Country Legends themed event for every weekend of the month. As you can see, it one of endless ideas of the possibilities with themed casino nights and tribute acts.
Mixed Casino Entertainment
Whether you are hosting a themed casino night or just putting together a general night of fun entertainment for your casino guests, using mixed entertainment can be a great way to achieve the best results! To do this you can mix live music entertainment with non-music acts, as well as use several non-musical acts or live music acts as mentioned above.
If you are hosting an event for New Years Eve for example, you’ll want to have live music for people to dance to and enjoy, but you could also mix in a fortune tellers and aerial dancers to add to the experience and create a memorable celebration for your casino guests.
No matter what the casino venue, be it a nightclub, casino gambling hall, bar/lounge or the main showroom, casinos have a lot of options when it comes to casino entertainment.
Whatever your requirements for entertainment, TSE can provide the right artists. TSE takes pride in the entertainment for casinos it books. Contact us with your casino entertainment problems. We love solving entertainment problems.
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